Ethiopia – Digital Forestry and Digital Conservation Management / GIZ Biodiversity and Forest Programme III

Subject of the project: Development of digital solutions and strengthening of technical skills for the institutionalization of instruments for protected area management and forestry value chain promotion.

The project aims to

  1. support the Amhara Forest Enterprise (AFE) to develop the Forest Enterprise Management Information System, a system for forest inventory, and the management of seed production, nurseries, forest establishment, forest utilization, sawmills and stores. The system is Web- and App-based, offline-capable and Geo-enabled.
  2. support the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Agency (EWCA) in setting up an e-learning platform for conservation management for the institutionalization of conservation knowledge.
  3. support the Wondogenet College in setting up an e-learning platform for forest management for the institutionalization of forestry knowledge.
  4. set up two knowledge management platforms at Wondogenet and EWCA.
  5. develop a digital match making platform for potential investments in tourism and conservation.
  6. develop an aggregated platform for NDC monitoring.

18. October 2023


Climate Change Adaption, Geomatics