Niger: Digital Agriculture Strategy (Stratégie e-Agriculture)

In 2022, GIZ and FAO launched the conjoint project to elaborate the national digital agriculture strategy for the Republic of Niger. Building on an assessment of FAO the German Cooperation, via the project ProMAP, financed this work formulating the following objectives: to provide Niger with framework documents for coordinating and steering the development of digital services in the rural sector.
Together with a team of two consultants Dr. Ralph Elsaesser elaborated the vision, orientations, priorities, objectives, expected effects, impacts, strategic axes, logical framework of the e-agriculture strategy  in consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture and its partners in the field of the development of digital agricultural services / digital transformation of the rural world. A national e-agriculture strategy now is available that awaits validation in line with the previous results and the relevant sectoral and cross-cutting documents. The documents are completed by a budgeted action plan to support the implementation of Niger’s e-agriculture strategy.



18. October 2023


Digital Agriculture, Food Security