Congo Basin: Improvement of Inland Navigation


Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ


Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ


Support to the International Comission for the Congo Basin (Commission Internationale du Bassin du Congo-Oubangui-Sangha CICOS).The river Congo and its tributaries are the main transport routes for the regional trade and thus the backbone of the regional economy. The road network is virtually non-existent and only the rivers guarantee continuity. Yet, the absence of any maintenance measures result in a high insecurity for the regional economy.

The project targets the improvement of inland navigation through

  • Introduction of better information management (harmonized fleet management),
  • Navigation maps,
  • Observatory for navigation incidents,
  • Decision support system for inland waterway transportation, in particular for Seuil de Zinga,
  • Web based harbor register,
  • Training and capacity building.

18. January 2016


Geomatics, IWRM, Transport